
    Innsbruck Alpine Trailrun Festival 2015

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    Innsbruck Alpine Trailrun Festival 2015

    Saturday morning at 7:15 am, when you are actually still in the deep sleep phase, we are already at the start gate and are struggling to attach the running chips to our shoeless shoes. The weather is on our side, cloudless but not too warm, and the Orga team plays fast and motivating music. Shortly before the start, there was a small introduction to the track and to the start numbers there was a robust map and a list of the most important landmarks, so that no one is lost! But I'll tell you more later ...

    At 8 o'clock the starting signal was given Innsbruck Alpine Trailrun Festival 2015 and everyone started running, first in the flat until the climb into the forest began. Let's go, from now on it means "aufi"!

    Trail half marathon I 20km I 500m

    Route: Olympiaworld Innsbruck - Vill - Mühlsee - Aldrans - Ampass - Bridge over Inn - Kurhaus Hall in Tirol

    Important waypoints: Start of the athletics center of the Olympiaworld Innsbruck - Checkpoint Vill - Ampass supply station - destination Hall in Tirol

    First stage

    In southern direction on the Paschberg: About the board cellar, the Igler road (asphalt road), Aunt and the Poltenweg always steadily up a wide forest road. After 5.32km you reach the first checkpoint, where your start number is ticked off and there is enough water and apple spritzer. I do not feel like eating anybody here, especially not in the middle of the slope and after such a short time. After all, you have already made 280m in ascent and 82hm in descent. But if you look at the total distance and notice that the body degrades towards the end, you should still have enough strength and endurance. Continue on a short single trail, then back on a forest road.

    Second stage

    To the east: Past the Viller and Lanser Moor, which you quickly feel at the mud holes. Meanwhile, one is well heated and would like to jump into the Mühlsee. From here you go to the village of Aldrans, south of the MPreis you continue on the asphalt road in the direction of Pfarrtal. At the end of the street you come to a football field at the edge of the forest. You have to turn left and follow the high fence behind the gate to the first yellow hiking signs. I found this branch and some runners after me unfortunately difficult. I was wandering around on the football field, looking around every corner for finding a way ... That demotivates quickly if you lose so much time. But after several minutes I intuitively discovered it and followed the path downhill without a familiar red arrow. The runners after me also trusted in my intuition and further down in the flat a red arrow finally came again. In Ampass you reach the second supply stand in a beautiful chapel forecourt. A woman takes off this waypoint on the starting number card of each runner. Now you have mastered 11.57km, another 106hm up and a whole 256hm down! Downhill you can always give good gas, stopping and braking, remember your muscles tomorrow = D!

    After an apple spritzer and a refreshing bite in an orange carving it went better again. Mood and motivation were always quickly gone by such dead ends, but once you had found a red arrow again went optimistic. Such a whole run is an ups and downs of emotions, sometimes you feel the muscles and would like to stop, sometimes pulls you a faster runner or you even have a little conversation, which makes you forget the hardships. 

    Third stage

    After the supply station, a steep road leads past houses through the village. At the roundabout and at a sausage stand, take the forest road above the motorway towards Hall. This is actually the only part of the route that is not only accompanied by nature and beautiful views. The noise of the highway bothers you and you just have to accelerate to leave it behind quickly. Past Gasthof Badl there is a steep serpentine road down to the big road. Cross the street, after the wooden bridge turn left, then continue right until the beginning of the historic old town center of Hall. Now you can feel that the goal can not be far away. But too happy. Here you will be guided in a zig zag through the whole old town. Under ancient arches and walls, through narrow long streets and past many tourist groups. Actually beautiful corners, but at the end of the run but only annoying to find the right branches and walk around completely between the people. Many runners take wrong roads and come rather by chance back on the right track. West you leave the old town again and runs northeast of the road along. You have to pass two roundabouts and cross to finally see the blue target at the Kurhaus. Sounds obvious, but some runners also find the target only after 1k detour or walk past below, because the markers are too sparse, you do not know. On the way I talked to two runners who came from South Tyrol or Vienna, did not know the way and in some cases were very excited about the missing signage.

    But in the end, everyone sooner or later has found the target.

    Happy and full of endorphins it's home, where first magnesium and a good meal wait. In the afternoon and also in the morning after, you always feel the need to put your feet up. You feel right how it works in it = D!


    Anyone who feels fit and has already walked almost the same kilometers and meters in altitude can do it. Of course you need a motivation, because the mental attitude counts on the way at least as much as you physical condition! The next day you should have time to relax, stretch your legs and properly refuel water, magnesium and minerals. Not only would I lie on my lazy skin, but I would warm up my muscles during a small, flat walk or bicycle tour. Then the soreness also breaks down faster.

    Again and again come small climbs with a pleasant slope, flat passages to recover and also the mountain running is not too short on this route. In between, one passes through beautiful singletrack trails, roams through cooling hoarfrost of the long blades of grass and has deep views down into the Inn Valley. 


    Fight together or alone

    Incidentally, the Innsbruck Alpine Trailrun Festival originated from the so-called adventure run. The adventure run was until now still a pleasure run without time measurement. It was about running together and about being able to choose one of the different distances depending on your ability. Enjoyment of nature around Innsbruck and the friends on Trailrun were in the foreground. Of course, nothing has changed this year, only the time factor came into play. This has certainly attracted more participants. Because who masters 60km and 1900hm, I want to reach a certain time in my opinion, or at least know exactly. Because on tracks from 40km you have to be able to estimate time and power well, because I think this new factor fits in well too. And if you just want to get a taste of the world of trail running, then you can hang out as a trail beginner to the adventure running team with 12km and 200hm. The team always stays together, has a signpost that precedes with a well-visible balloon at a moderate pace. If you still have enough breath, you can also run 20, 40 or 60km in a team. A total of 9 breaks are taken and who likes can use the free luggage transport for the change of clothes at the finish. At each supply point you can unlock and take the shuttle back to Innsbruck. Here everyone is a winner in the end!



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